安全环保 Security

E H S manage

At the beginning of the company's establishment, Yuchen established an EHS management plan based on EHS management, based on the characteristics of the company's production, and took EHS as an important indicator of employee performance appraisal. Yuchen encourages all employees to participate in EHS management, finds and puts forward the shortcomings in the operation of the HSE management system, and proposes improvements. Yuchen will cherish the creative opinions put forward by every person, and promise to continuously improve the EHS management system and continuously increase the EHS value in production and operation.

E H S implement

Yuchen earnestly implemented the safety production policy of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management", and solidly implemented safety responsibilities at all levels. In November 2012, it successfully passed the evaluation of "standardized second-level enterprise", achieving safety and production coordination , Good situation of simultaneous development. While focusing on safety, Yuchen adheres to the concept of “environmental protection first, production later”. Yuchen has shown great attention to environmental protection, attaches great importance to environmental protection work, and actively adopts various effective measures to reduce the impact of production on the environment. The lowest, the company passed the first batch of cleaner production audits in Henan Province in 2005.

Yuchen EHS Pursuit
(Zero accidents)

Eternal Yuchen behavior-safety first; Yuchen always adheres to the "zero accident" safe work concept, through insisting on "all accidents can be prevented"; safe work policy, and requires every employee to form a consensus. Yuchen's unremitting pursuit-protecting the environment; Yuchen requires every product to achieve the "zero goal" of environmental protection, that is, zero water, air and soil pollution, and zero waste discharge. Yuchen guarantees the realization of "zero accidents" of Yuchen project through its strong technical strength and sustainable EHS guarantee program.
